Ginseng Root Extract, Camellia
Leaf Extract, WHite Tea Extract,
Vit E, Panthenol, Glycerin.
Help in treatment of acne with oily and mixed skin, Maintenance of optimum PH of the skin, Purify the skin from impurities, dusts and fats.
Pump a small amount onto palm, lather with water and massage gently onto face, Rinse face with clean water.
Keeps face healthy, fresh and reluvemted, Broad spectrum anti-oxidant effect.
Removes impurities in the dermis like blackheads, pimples, milia and whiteheads
With deep cleansing, the skin is oxygenated
Freesthe skin of dead cells and impurities from environment
Increases the skin’s collagen and elastin
250 ml – 125 SR
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